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Why Bridgz

Bridgz Academy: Nurturing Excellence in Technology
As an integral part of the Bridgz Group, Bridgz Academy embodies our commitment to fostering excellence in technology. Our comprehensive suite of outsourcing solutions extends beyond software and hardware services, encompassing a dedicated focus on education and skill development.
Students in Computer Class
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Key Offerings
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Software Development Excellence
Bridgz Academy provides tailored programs to cultivate expertise in software development, ensuring participants are equipped with the latest industry standards and practices
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Hardware Solutions and ASIC Design Mastery
Specialized courses delve into hardware solutions and ASIC design, allowing aspiring professionals to navigate the intricacies of these fields under the guidance of industry experts
DevOps & CI/CD Proficiency
Our academy imparts DevOps & CI/CD knowledge methodologies, empowering individuals to streamline development processes and enhance collaboration within teams
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Software Testing Expertise
Bridgz Academy offers comprehensive training in software testing, emphasizing the importance of quality assurance in the software development life cycle.
Rooted in a legacy of two decades serving international companies, Bridgz Academy stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence. In 2018, we expanded our reach to key locations in Jordan, Ramallah, Egypt, and Bulgaria, recognizing the transformative potential of remote work.

Today, Bridgz Academy plays a pivotal role in addressing the evolving needs of the tech industry. By providing direct access to new locations and diverse tech expertise, we empower individuals and companies alike to navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology, fostering innovation and overcoming local talent shortages. Bridgz Academy is more than an educational initiative; it is a cornerstone in building the future of technology leaders.
Shaping Future Technological Leaders
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